After setting system BIOS to boot from USB, a successful start will result
in this screen. If TroubleShooting is needed, press the down arrow and hit
Enter. Normally you can just wait 5 seconds and the system will start CentOS.
Main desktop using Gnome and offering icons down the left side for various
function and utilities. Best not to click on "Install to Hard Drive" unless
you want to overwrite your current OS or make a dual boot system.
Terminal screen on Gnome desktop before rezizing
Terminal screen on Gnome desktop after rezizing
Close up of terminal screen showing "cd" command and the command to
start the H19 terminal emulator.
Successful start of h19term.py will result in this welcome screen. Simply hit Enter
to see the H8/H89/SBC display.
ISO image of CentOS 7 with h19term.py and necessary system updates
Master Boot Record for above ISO. May be required to actually make USB device bootable
Debian package #1 for real time RPi kernel
Debian package #2 for real time RPi kernel
Debian package #3 for real time RPi kernel
Real Time RPi bcm2835 dtb files to be copied to /boot