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Computer Detail Page

Archive Information on the H-89 Computer
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Z80 computer, 16K RAM, built-in terminal, H17 disk drive; expanded memory and I/O cards available

Item and Accessories listed in the archive:

Model Part Name Type Desc.

H-8   H-8 Computer system 8080 computer, 16K RAM, accessory cards available
HA-8-3   Graphics Card board Color Graphics Board
HA-8-6   Z-80 CPU Card board Z80 CPU Card for H-8
HA-8-8   Extended Configuration Option board H-8 Extended Configuration Option
WH-8-64   64K Wired Memory Board board Pre-wired 64K memory board - Comes with 32K RAM; expandable to 48K or 64K with HA-8-16
WH-8-16   16K Wired Memory Board board  
WH-8-47   H-8 to Z-47 Disk Interface board Wired interface with two RS-232C Serial Interface Ports
H-8-18   Audio Cassette Interface board Cassette interface for H-8/H-8-5/ECP-3801A systems
H-17-4   Double-Sided Floppy Disk Drive peripheral For the H/Z-37 Floppy Disk System. Requires Z-89-37 Soft-Sectored Controller above.
H-17-1   Single-Sided Floppy Disk Drive peripheral Uses either Z-89-37 Soft-Sectored Controller or H-88-1 Hard-Sectored Controller
H-17   H-17 Floppy Disk System peripheral Disk system that was designed for the H8, but could also be used the by H-89. Supported single-sided, single density, 48 tpi drives. Up to 2 drives (3 with the H17-3). Kit-form
WH-17   H-17 Floppy Disk System peripheral Disk system that was designed for the H8, but could also be used the by H-89. Supported single-sided, single density, 48 tpi drives. Up to 2 drives (3 with the H17-3). Came assembled
HS-37-1   H-37 Disk System kit Kit form of the Z-37, came with 1 floppy drive
HS-37-2   H-37 Disk System kit Kit form of the Z-37, came with 2 floppy drives.
H-19   H-19 Terminal terminal  
Z80   CPU chip 2 MHz CPU
Z80A   CPU chip 4 MHz CPU