This site is designed to support the preservation of a rich Heath 8-bit computer history.   It provides catalogs information about the vintage Heath systems. Thanks to the many, many people who make their resources, devices, items and knowledge available to us all.On this site, visitors can view basic information about Heath 8-bit hardware, software, manuals and periodicals contained in the database.    Information is in the "Hardware Reference", "Software Reference", "Manuals Reference" and "Periodicals Reference" sections.
There is also a table of information about many companies that provide(d) boards, adapters, modifications for H8 and H89 computers.  
Displayed pages are drawn from information stored in a database maintained by the system administrator.   The information is updated with items provided by contributors but changes and updates are handled by the data system administrator(s).
NOTE: Site under development. Some or all functions/pages may be disrupted at any time. Database backups are performed regularly but some information may be lost/deleted from time to time just because of development work.